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About Me

Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud

Maya Angelou

"I was having to make 4-6 weekly appointments with the osteopath to have my back maniputated due to my hypermobility. My osteopath recommended pilates and Denise. Denise's teaching methods are excellent and she always makes sure that everyone is carrying the moves out correctly. She is very knowledgeable. The best results for me is that my spine is more stable and I don't have all the joint pain I used to have."

Sue J (West Wickham)




Back pain lead me to pilates where I learnt how my deteriorating posture contributed to my back pain. I studied this intelligent form of exercise and learnt how to rebalance the body and joints by using exercises to stretch and strengthen muscles. As posture improves and the body strengthens, things like back, neck and shoulder pain lessen and often disappear. I get tremendous satisfaction in helping people to understand how to take control of their pain, rebalance their bodies and become pain free. During lockdown I offered zoom classes which were a bit of a revelation. I still run some zoom classes today as well as live classes and I now have a recording link to anyone who wants to make up a class or add in an extra one.



My first experience with Craniosacral Therapy was with my son, who as a young baby wouldn’t sleep, feed properly or stop crying. Craniosacral therapy helped relieve the tensions in his body from his very quick birth. He transformed into a happy, normal baby and  my sanity was saved. I started training in 2006. I have experienced the transformative effect of Craniosacral therapy with  my clients many times, relieving stress and trauma in the body and hence reducing anxiety and pain like hip pain, frozen shoulder, chronic headaches and many more. Since the world changing even of lockdown, there has been a knock on effect of increased rates of stress and anxiety and my faith in craniosacral therapy has been reaffirmed. Clients have come in desperation, on medication and feeling that they have lost control of their lives and have found that their stress is relieved, they've gained equilibrium and have been able with their doctors, to wean themselves of their stress medication.



Who would have thought our lives could change so much, but after a world wide pandemic and lockdown of all but essential services and our world seems to be a very different place now. Lockdown effectively closed me down and after we realised this was not going to be a short term process, I realised I had to change how I offered my services to clients. With pilates it was relatively easy and my classes went onto zoom.  But what about craniosacral therapy? Surely that's just face to face? I was surprised and intrigued when my training body offered a course in distance work (over zoom!) and was amazed at how powerful the sessions were as we worked on each other in break out rooms. I now regularly swap distance sessions with a cranial osteopath friend of mine and we have both found our long term back issues and for me tight hips have been changing. For both of us the back pain has gone and I've found my hips have become more flexible (its been the only area that hadn't responded to my pilates practice). I am amazed at how effective and powerful this distance work is.

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